Most of my shawls take me from a few days to a week to finish depending on what else is going on, but due to the holidays, traveling, snow days and a few other things this bad boy has been on the Tri-loom for well over 2 months...now just a little more fringe to add and a top edge and this project will finally be complete! I am so excited!

After dinner my brother Larry and I were able to get out the pinewood derby kits and put a little more work into them. We tried really hard to get the kids to join in and we finally got Logan to do some painting once Isabella started working on hers. Isabella's rainbow took the least amount of sanding and she was able to start painting today. Aiden's car upon further inspection needed quite a bit of sanding and additional cutting to get it kinda symmetrical. Emma... Emma is difficult... she choose a Olaf design.... I am still trying to figure out how to sand him and get him to look right, I thinking I'm lucky she's only 4 and will love just about anything I come up with...Lol...
Aiden's template:
Isabella's and Emma's design ideas came from pictures we found online as well:

Our Pack is having a big celebration day on Feb. 20th and we will be having our Blue and Gold Banquet, Father's Cake Bake Auction and Pinewood Derby all in one day! As we continue to work on our cars I will be sure to post updated pictures and of course pictures of race day too!
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