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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shout out to Synovate Global Opinion Panel, Toluna, InBox Dollars and Winster.com

For right now I have settled into 3 “survey sites” Toluna, Synovate Global Opinion Panel, and Inbox Dollars. I am still dabbling with a few others, Vindale Research and Inbox Dollars I am simply opening e-mails and visiting sponsor sites to make up to $.10 a pop. I really do like Winster.com and I am determined to win 1 million points so I can earn a whopping $4. If you like playing slots or bingo or Sudoku or so many other games this Really is the site for you.  I enjoy playing, though there are so many other things I should be doing so I don’t get the opportunity to play every day the slots social is pretty fun. There are advertisements you have to watch, but they give you 200 free turns a day and they give you even more each time you score decent points so you really can play for a couple of hours without paying anything and it is social and has a group chat so you can talk to the people in the room.  Something I learned recently was the “Wheel of Winster” which is an “aWeSoM   e” on screen interactive application that allows you to stay on the current page and play two games at one time.  I think it is awesome and I got something like 15 or 25 points for clicking a button that spun a prize wheel.  It pops up as the ads roll through so you have to be on the look-out for it and click it while you have the chance.  It is a great place to just play games and relax, and if you play it long enough you could get paid to do it… So I leave you with this, at both Inbox Dollars and Vindale research I have found that I have screened out of a lot of surveys and have spent a lot of time trying to qualify for them that I have given up on that. I have been looking at sponsor e-mails and slowly but surely I am making money at both sites, but I pass by a lot more e-mails than ones that I actually look at, I get a LOT of e-mails everyday and it would take me hours to look at them all let alone actually take the time to make points to try to earn money. I have made enough points at Synovate Global Opinion Panel to cash out for $5, I have almost enough points at SwagBucks.com to cash out for 3 $5 Amazon gift cards. And At Superpoints.com I am slowly but surely getting closer to their cash-out threshold. As a tired mother of 3 I sit and I write about things that I am passionate about. There are ways to make money or get free things creatively; you just have to decide what’s actually worth it. There were instances when I had spent a lot of time answering questions thinking I was almost done and then they screened me out…

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Inbox Dollars

I have been a member of Inbox Dollars for a couple of months now.  They offer rewards for reading e-mails, doing surveys and completing sponsored offers. The minimum to cash out with this site is $30 and so far I have gotten to $6.72. It doesn’t seem like I always get credit for reading all of the e-mails, but that could be due to the fact that I usually get the same e-mail multiple times and only get credit for opening it the first time. Usually there are 1 -2 survey opportunities to participate in daily, but as you can tell I have not qualified  but once so far.  I can say that for the most part when I am screened out it takes less than 2 minutes. I got a $5 bonus for joining their community (and completing my profile surveys), $.50 for 1 survey and $.72 for opening 36 e-mails and allowing the images to load and $.50 for participating in one cash offer.  It will probably take forever for me to earn enough to cash out, but I have seen cash offers that have seemed pretty appealing. There was one deal where you spent $10 and got $20 back at a gaming website --- $$ for Magazine subscriptions --- $$ for Club Memberships --- $$ for Joining other survey networks. If you join this community first and then join the others from here take the opportunity to do so from Inbox dollars (I didn’t do things in quite the right order since I found Inbox Dollars once I had already joined several of the opinion networks) and you can earn up to $.75 from what I have seen so far.   I did join Winster.com (way addictive and time consuming) to earn $4 just to find out that I have to get to 1 million points to earn that $4 – currently I am at 846,810 points playing a version of slots where you spin certain slots one at a time and can share your symbols with a jackpot score of 1650 points – This again is something that takes a lot of time and doesn’t have a great payout, but right now I have found it is a fun website. You can refer friends and earn extra points so if you can get your friends to play these games with you can earn points quicker.  One catch is you get a minimum of 200 turns per day for free – there are ads to watch occasionally that last 35-60 seconds that make you pause – this can be frustrating when you are trying to trade pieces with others – there are bonus points in slots – AND – you get extra spins when you win – So for a mother of 3 young children it is a fun waste of time -- easy way to take a break but hard to walk away from – and one day I may make $4 for taking a break sometimes – there are other games too – I will do a more thorough  review of the games in a different post - --
So far I will give this site a thumbs up! Even though it may take me awhile to earn the $30.00 it takes to cash out there is a lot of earning potential if you are willing to accept free trials with membership, and spend a little to earn a little.
AND check this out too ---à>>>>>>>>
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The posts tell your friends about the cash rewards at InboxDollars®. When they join, you start earning 10% of their earnings.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Synovate Global Test Market

Synovate Global Test Market
I have been a member of Synovate Global Test market for a couple of months. They offer rewards ranging from sweepstakes entries up to 1350 market points from what I have seen so far.  They send me several opportunities to participate in surveys through e-mail each day. If I respond to the e-mail the day it is sent I am always given the opportunity to qualify and have been able to complete 4 surveys bringing my point total up to 3050. I have attempted to qualify for 30-50 surveys so the odds of being able to earn points aren’t that great. In order to cash out at this particular site you have to earn a minimum of 5000 points and that will get you $5.00. At this point I have invested a lot more than an hour of my time trying to work for this survey site and am not sure that the reward is going to prove worthy of my time.
I attempted yet another survey from Global Test Market again last night and spent a min of 20 minutes and answered over 40 questions just to find out that I had been screened out of yet another survey.

So I would have to give this site a thumbs down at this point.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sorry I've been gone for so long

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been a month since I have updated my blog. I got kind of discouraged when I saw how hard it was to start a blog, coming up with a specific topic seemed impossible and it still does. I liked the idea of a freebie blog, but while freebie samples are nice and they usually come with a coupon for a future purchase it just didn’t seem like there were enough samples out there to make it a very successful topic. My next idea was a couponing blog and the more I researched it and saw just how much work was involved in not only creating my own shopping list but also listing all of the deals out there that may be interesting to others it just didn’t fit into my already busy schedule.
Over the past month I have found myself under the weather with Gall Stones and surgery followed by a double inner ear infection, both of which I am still recovering from. During that time I had a lot of time to think about what my real interests are. I really love to write and express my opinions so I decided to change directions with my blog, just wasn’t sure how. It seems like the best course of action would be to just create a new blog in order to have a site name that better reflected the topics I would like to cover. So now I just have to come up with that perfect name.
My new blog is going to be a product and company review site. I always love to try new things and give an honest opinion. So my next series of posts will be just that. I have already started to research and test out some of the available “survey” sites and “photo product” sites and I have decided to review them first. Since my last post was about getting started with the survey sites I will be reviewing my successes and sharing those first. So stay tuned for my reviews and please let me know if you have had similar experiences.