securely stored in the freezer...it used to vacuum nicely shut, but since it has stopped doing that I secured it shut with a pole in the basement...lol...smh...you just gotta do what you gotta do sometimes... :0)

After getting my cakin' done for the day and making extra icing for that just in case moment... I headed outside and helped Mom build up the bonfire pile. Whenever one of the kids came to complain about what another one said we made them take sticks to the pile...seemed to help a little, we may have to try that more often.

The chicks are still just a little too little to go outside, but we let them get a taste of the yard while we changed their bedding today. They seemed very intrigued by the grass and weeds in the yard and played with some dried leaves in the pen too. They are growing so fast and are going to be beautiful birds. So far the Rhode Island Reds are the most docile. The Black Australorps are very dominant, but the Auracanas will jump into my hand if I have some feed that they can peck on first. I really enjoy raising chickens and hope that I can continue to do it for years to come.

After getting the chicks taken care of we loaded up into the van and truck and headed to my brothers to collect cement blocks to finish building the garden bed all the way to the left in the picture above. We originally were only going to build it two blocks high to save on cost, but then my brother traded Mom some cement blocks for her aquaponics system pieces and now we can make the bed high enough that it will be easy for Mom to work. So far the wobble top fence has kept the birds out, except for when they knocked the gate down...Lol...so we decided to uncover the peas and asparagus today so that they could be watered a little better. We are also doing good at growing potatoes and the first set of red potatoes that we planted is about ready to move up to tire #3. Mom thinks that she is going to get to stop at 4 tires in each stack, but at this rate we are going to have at least one rather large potato tower. The white potatoes in the second tire stack have not sprouted yet and we just planted the third potato stack...so it will be at least a couple of weeks before we see growth there. :0)

While we were at my brother's house we noticed that some of the violets had blossomed in the yard and along the driveway and the kids and I helped her harvest some to get a start on her Violet jelly for the season. It has become a favorite for her customers. Izzy decided she wanted to stay with Grandma so that she wouldn't miss Wonderful Wednesday at BUMC and Aiden, Em and I took off for a couple of days while the kids are on Spring Break. We will stay gone til Thursday night or early Friday morning and then we will go back home where I can finish packing for the wedding, I am going to make a few more flowers for the cake and get my emergency decorating kit together for any possible mishaps. Then it is off to Galax to deliver the cake to the reception hall and put it in the refrigerator overnight to start thawing/finish thawing after such a long trip...We are going to have to bundle up so I can run the air-conditioner and keep the cake nice and cool as we go down the road. Getting it there on Friday will also give me enough time to make sure it is perfect and awesome! I will put it out shortly before the wedding and then help them serve the cake at the reception as well if they need me to.
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