We had big plans to handle our chicks everyday and make them super friendly and able to be handled as adults. Unfortunately between the dog attack and needing to get the garden put in, having 4 birthday parties and working on lots of cakes, and working on project "Glessner Wedding" they have gotten pushed to the back burner...Now don't get me wrong we are still making sure to feed and water them and regulate their temperature, but we haven't been able to play with them and handle them the way I was hoping to. ...So I am excited that my friend returned my baby gates today and we will be able to set-up the play yard and interact with the chicks a little easier.
This play yard is like the one we have, except ours has a few extra sections. We actually bought it when our twins were babies and it helped keep them out of trouble for a good long time. When they outgrew it I considered selling it off, but it folds down nicely and has come in handy more than once for raising animals. After 5 years it is still holding strong and we look forward to having it for many years to come as well. I recommend a play yard over a baby gate any day, they are more sturdy and much more versatile plus they are big enough for the "babies" inside to move around and not feel too squished up.

Our chicks are starting to get a decent amount of feathers on their wings and can get on top of the water jar and the feed jar, so we have added a screen to the top of their tub. (Mom has one friend that bought some for her husband and they are living in the bathtub while he builds the coop...she has started to have trouble with them jumping out of the tub and running around the bathroom....Lol...not sure they completely thought this through as chickens don't go outside for 8-10 weeks and by then they are a fairly nice size and will make quite a mess of the bathroom if they stay in there for two whole months.) The chicken pictured above is Em's chicken... She is a Black Australorp and we have had her for 11 days now. I have hope that we can still tame them since they will sit on our laps or hands, they just don't appreciate being picked up.
This is a great picture of what they should look like when they grow up. We are hoping for hens of course!!!
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