As soon as I got the kids dropped off at school I headed to my sister's for an hour of cleaning before heading out for a big shopping trip. Now I have all of the supplies I need to finish the bridal party flowers for my "Glessner Wedding" project and I can get started on the cake soon too!

Once I got home from my big day full of shopping I helped Mom plant a new cherry tree and we started trimming the burs out of "Sparkles" hair. The poor thing has the softest long hair when she is properly groomed, but that hasn't been done in awhile and so now it's time to battle her hair and make her more comfortable. I have faith that with a little TLC she will be a-okay in no time! We are trying to do just a little at a time so we don't stress her out too bad and so we don't make her too sore from all the brushing, cutting and pulling on her hair. She is handling it all like a champ and continues to purr even when she is squirming to get out of our arms.

It's kinda hard to see from the picture, but there is a low lying spot in the yard near the mulch pile and our next goal is to rake the pile down and even out that part of the yard. It was so hot today and I was already tired when I headed out, but I was able to work on it for about 20 minutes and then I gave up, but if we keep hacking away at it we will have it all smoothed out soon enough.

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