So far today has been a busy day, starting with buying 10 new baby chicks and turned into planning this weeks Cub Scout meeting, working on the pinatas, re-homing rocks, building a rock wall/garden bed, taking flyers to the Elementary School for Tuesday folders and sending pictures to the Bedford History Museum from their visit.
We got to go to Moneta Farm Supply for "Chick Days" this morning before taking the kids to school and we picked up some Black Australorps, Araucanas and Rhode Island Reds and buddy are they cute!

I got a few good pictures before putting the new babies under the heat lamp to stay warm and then I moved on to the looming garden project that we have been working at for a little while now. We have used up most of the supplies we have here, so we have been going down to my sister's old farm and re-homing her garden supplies to ours.

I started with the bed on the right today and pulled all of the border rocks to start the raised beds for the tomatoes at Mom's and I grabbed a couple of the tomato cages that we had pulled out a week or so ago.

It was quite a load by the time I was done and I had enough to get a good start on the tomato bed.

This is what the area looked like when I started....

...and this is how far my wall reached...not enough rocks to finish the job today, but I got a good start and I even had time to put some old hay in the bottom and start filling it in with my compost...of course I emptied the last compost pile from last year and they will need to be refilled so we have compost to add next year...there's always something to do around here.
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