After testing a slightly different icing recipe I moved onto decorating the actual wedding cake for the Glessner Wedding coming up on April 2nd. I was able to complete the flowers around the fountain and get the 6" top cake completed today and I plan on doing the 12" and 16" layers tomorrow if I can. I am super excited about how well this cake is coming out and can't wait to share pictures, but this project has been put under wraps until after the wedding, per request of the groom's Mom. (she wants the finished cake to be a surprise for the couple, but once it has been served you can bet I will be showing it off!)

The kids have been enjoying playing in their "construction site" over the Easter weekend and throughout today. When Aiden was given the job of making a strawberry garden he even took his cones with him to mark his new work zone and he took them back to the construction site when he was done.

He put black landscaping fabric down on the bottom, gathered all the bricks, did a good job of staggering the bricks as he stacked them, put a layer of hay in the bottom and watered the bed down for us. Then I added two wheel barrels full of manure and Mom added some strawberry plants.

While Aiden was working on that and Mom was planting and replanting onions, (The ducks and chickens were pulling them up as fast as she could get them in the I was tackling the load of manure that my nephew delivered to us on Easter. What a load of crap that worms...I have never in my life seen so many worms in some dirt!

The ducks and chickens were loving every wheel barrel full that I brought into the garden...

...until we ran chicken wire around it that is...and then they got mad at us and told us all about it...Lol!

Since we were able to complete this bed last week we have been looking forward to getting it filled with dirt so that it is ready to plant in the next two months. Around here we are in growing zone 7 and tend to wait until after Mother's Day to put out the frost sensitive crops, but that date is fast approaching and I will be on my own to get the planting done this the beds need to be ready to go!

On the left in the picture above is the back of the garden and this is where we intend to plant our tomatoes. I got the bed about half full and just need a few more rocks and I will have it built up to the right height in the front. This will be the next bed we finish before going around the corner and working on the final garden bed.

Since we have gotten a good start on the garden, and the birds seem determined to help us tend to it, we went ahead and installed a floppy top chicken wire fence around it. Basically we took tomato stakes and pounded them down so they were between 3-4' tall and then we used zip ties to attach the chicken wire...the catch is that we left the top 8-10" of the fencing loose and flopping towards the yard. This is supposed to keep the chickens out because the top of the fence is not sturdy and they will not land on it to jump over. We are going to test it out some more tomorrow before uncovering our peas...but if all goes well we may be able to remove the mess of cages and wire that you see on the right in the picture above this week!

I'm glad I took the time to play with a couple of the chicks today before I started shoveling, because tonight I am beyond exhausted. We have had our hens for 3 weeks today and they sure are getting a lot of feathers! The two I got pictures of today were Aiden's (left) and mine (right). I will try to get a new picture of all of them tomorrow to share...for now I hope everyone has had a wonderful day ...I am going to bed!
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