So sorry that I have been MIA from my blog for a couple of days. The past couple of days have been a whirlwind of madness and have resulted in a very tired me at the end of each day. On Friday I started my day by confirming a Dr. appt. for Em to see what could be done about what I thought were bad allergies (she has been coughing, has had a runny nose and on Wednesday morning her eyes started getting pink in the corners). The appt. ended up being at 3:15 pm so I had a little time while the kids were in school to finish the girls pinata and get the kids Party cakes done, but it gave me very little time to get dinner ready for our family party for the girls birthday that night! I even had presents that still needed to be wrapped after we got home, but I got done what I could and then at about 2 pm I went down to the school and sat in the parking lot cutting out tails for "Pin the tail on Eevee" until it was time for school to be out. The the kids and I collected stuffed animals that had been donated for the Teddy Bear Brigade and hung out on the playground for about 30 minutes until it was time to go up to the Dr's office. I was very surprised when they took Em's temp in triage and it was 102.6, but she wasn't complaining and didn't look flushed so I can see how her teachers and I missed it. Luckily, I had thought to bring all of the tablets, fully charged, and the kids behaved for the most part for our hour and a half Dr. appt. (I may have to remember not to agree to students every time...lol) Once we got through the student nurse, the nurse, the student Dr. and the Dr it was decided that Em had tonsillitis and that she would need antibiotics. So now we are on day three of a ten day penicillin regimen and it seems to be helping already.

When we got home we had a nice dinner of sloppy joe's, popcorn shrimp, popcorn chicken, perogies and chips that the girls planned the menu for, then it was time for some presents! I took a bunch of pictures, but the girls were doing so much moving the one below was the only was that turned out half decent. We did a lot of small presents so they would have a bunch to open for their 5th Birthday and then topped it all off with two new bikes! They were excited about all of their gifts and even got out their modeling clay from Grandma Peggy to play with at their party the next day!

Unfortunately with the Dr appt taking much longer than I anticipated, there was still a decent amount of cleaning that needed to be done to get the basement ready and as soon as the family left I headed downstairs to work until 10 pm when I decided it was good enough for the night. I did manage to pull off two fun parties on Saturday and I will give you the scoop on them tomorrow!
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