Ever have those days when you know you've done a lot, but you don't feel like you've accomplished a thing? I had one of those days today. First thing this morning, after getting the kids to school, Mom and I took my van to the shop for some maintenance and repairs. Then she brought me home so I could borrow her truck and go to the school for the girls Egg Hunt.

I met up with their teachers and sent them off to lunch and then I hung out with my son during recess while I waited for the playground to clear out so I could spread their eggs about. I actually ended up being at the school about an hour early, but it was nice to be able to see all of the kids without really disrupting anyone's day too much.

Since I had a little bit of time to kill before I could set-up the egg hunt I also took the opportunity to check out the Winter Gardens that the 2nd graders at MES planted last year. About half of the garden beds are in a partially shady spot and half of them are in pretty full sun. The ones in the sun definitely thrived better than the ones in the shade, but overall for not really being tended to, these kids grew some pretty nice plants.

Though this looks like a really easy egg hunt, bear in mind that the kids in the girls class range from 3-5 and all of the eggs had names on them. It was a great learning game for the kids since they were only allowed to take the eggs that had their name. Some of the kids struggled a little with the reading part, but once they caught on it was great fun for all. Once the kids were done with their egg hunt, they took their baskets inside and dropped them off before returning to the playground to burn off their extra energy before nap.

I then checked Izzy out of school for the day and we headed to the Dr's office for a follow-up on her ear. Though I was able to get a lot of wax out, I am no expert and really wanted to make sure I didn't hurt her while I was irrigating her ear. The Dr. said that I did get the blockage taken care of, but the ear is definitely infected. So, we will be continuing with the ammoxicillian and if she is still having any fever or ear pain by Saturday we have to go back...I truly hope that she will feel all better soon. By the time we were done at the Dr. we had enough time to run by Moneta Farm Supply and buy some scratch before Izzy and Mom had to take off to go pick-up my nephew and I had to go back to get my other two kids from school. ((I did get to leave a little later than them and got a little vacuuming and laundry done.))

Spring is definitely my favorite time of year, with trees blossoming, new plants growing and baby animals all around. I stopped to cherish some of these gifts today and I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I did.

Our chicks are growing rapidly and getting lots of feathers. The kids have been helping out a lot for the past couple of days and making sure that the chicks get lots of love and attention. I am interested to see what they will look like all grown up, but I also love to watch them transform from fluffy little puffballs to beautifully feathered birds.
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