Em finished up her antibiotics on Monday morning and Is came down with a fever Sunday night...and she still had it Monday morning when she woke up! So after sending Aiden and Em off to school I headed to the Dr with Is...we had her tested for strep and the Flu...nope... she does have so much wax in one ear that the Dr. couldn't see the eardrum...so we are guessing that she has an ear infection. I really hate the guessing part, but at least she is now on antibiotics! We did have a little trouble with the pharmacy, but after we convinced them the girls were twins and it was a different kid getting this new prescription they finally filled it. We have been battling a fever that just doesn't seem to want to break for a couple of days now and I think her it is finally gone....I hope so at least! If I can get her fever free by tomorrow morning then she will be able to be at school for their Egg Hunt on Thursday! Poor thing already missed spring pictures, but at least there's a make-up day for those usually. Egg Hunts, not so much!

We have been pushing the liquids and popsicles, giving fever reducers, getting her to eat when she felt like it and the fever just wouldn't let go. So we finally resorted to piggybacking Ibuprophen and Tylenol every two hours and I think we finally got it to break, now hopefully it will stay gone! I really just want my baby to feel better so that she can enjoy spring break and Easter this year!
While I have been doctoring Is, I have also been working on Mom's taxes...I think I mentioned this about a month ago, but I hate taxes....I didn't realize it until last night, but even just putting information into a tax program put me into a grumpy mood. I didn't feel like eating, blogging or anything else. Today I got to take a break from taxes and work on Cub Scouts, Cake and Flowers instead and it was a much better day!

Last week at scouts we started our "Grow Something" belt loop! We tried an idea I found on Pinterest and planted seeds in an ice cream cone. Unfortunately, we forgot to open the ziploc bag that was supposed to be helping our seeds sprout and our cone grew mold instead of plants! Yucky stinky mold! One of my scouts reported that their plant grew about 1/2 an inch and another scouts dog knocked theirs off the table, so we have had a little bit of a rough start, but I think tonights meeting put us back on the right track! Now, I enjoy growing plants and I am usually pretty good at it, but this project is being difficult! Soooo...I planted new seeds in plastic cups and I took replacement "seedling cups" for each of the kids just in case they had run into difficulties too. Even if they hadn't I still gave them some newly planted seeds to try their luck with.

We did two more "Growing" activities at the meeting tonight and Is helped me get them ready before the meeting. First we had to get jars, toothpicks and sweet potatoes together so that we could plant some potatoes in water and watch them grow. Plus we took the potato that Aiden and I put in a jar of water two weeks ago so they would know what to expect out of their potatoes. If you look just below the blue toothpick you can see our one little root that is about 1/2 inch long and hasn't changed much for days. I am hoping that one day it will grow leaves...I did let him plant another one tonight at the meeting to give him twice the chance of success.

Then we got involved in making a terrarium. Whenever I do a project with my scouts I always try it first so that the boys have an example of what we are trying to accomplish.

Is was so excited to help me make my sample terrarium and I let her put in the rocks, charcoal and dirt. We were very careful to make sure the layers were easy to see so that I could talk to the boys about why each layer is important and what it does for the terrarium. I used a larger jar than the ones I took for the boys as well to show them that you can literally put a terrarium into any clear container and we talked a little about open and closed terrariums.

This is my terrarium! For this project I used small stones for the bottom layer, this provides drainage. The next layer was activated charcoal to keep it smelling good and to deter mold growth. Then I added pre-moistened dirt and planted a couple of Hens and Chicks in it, plus a weed that was growing by them outside that I liked. Last, I finished it off with some reindeer moss and misted it with a spray bottle! Wa-la! My own little terrarium!

This is Aiden's terrarium and it is even sitting on his night stand already! The boys really had a lot of fun with this project and I hope their hens and chicks last for awhile! I also got them a couple of sheets of bug and flower stickers that they used to decorate the outsides of their terrariums when they were done and they were all excited to have a plant of their own to take home. I am hopeful that I chose a hardy enough plant that the boys will be able to keep them alive for at least a little while and I can't wait til our next meeting when I can check in with them all to see how their plants are doing!
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