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Monday, July 30, 2012

Fun on the Roanoke River

With the river in the backyard we want to take advantage of it any chance to get, but just like all other families with toddlers and young kids we are pretty busy most of the time.  I am not totally ok with taking the girls in the river yet.  Normally I am as country as country can be, but there are germs, bugs, critter and other dangers that I feel shouldn't mingle with babies/toddlers.  So for right now we go to the river during naptime for the girls and let them have a quite house to sleep in.
We have been making progress on our river renovation and are really hoping that it does not all wash away in the next flood.  Aiden was very excited to have his cousin Logan and his Uncle Larry come over and play in the river and he was even more excited when his friend Anthony and his cousin Jacob showed up to his "river party" about 2 weeks ago.
We have created a small canal to tube down into a little pool that comes off the main channel and we are working on clearing some of the rocks out of the middle of the channel and making a nice rocky area at the shore that is easier to walk on than the uneven ground and to have a deeper channel that we don't drag bottom on.

We took Aiden out again today at nap time.  He really loves our set-up and wants to be big enough to be able to go anywhere in the river.  Now that we have the pool and the cancel he is so happy to be able to walk around on his own a little.  We have to reinforce the rules sometimes and he is required to keep his life jacket on, but otherwise it is getting to be a more friendly river than it started out being.

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