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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

We got rid of some stuff!!!

In our house, there is always the need for more space.  With a family of 5 we can accumulate things at a rapid pace and sometimes it becomes necessary to clean house.  So we planned and scheduled and had a yard sale.

It still amazes me how much work goes into having a yard sale.  Things are collected, stored, cleaned (sometimes more than once), moved to a different spot at least 3 times before the sale, advertisements are placed, signs are hung, everything gets sorted and displayed, sales are made, then it is over.
  I have never sold everything at a yard sale, but for years I would pack the leftovers back up and take it back to its spot in the basement and just start adding to it again.  

This year we decided to do things a little differently.  We used free advertising on Craigslist.org and Facebook, plus we posted some signs.  After two days we called it a day and this time we re-claimed the things we really weren't sure if we wanted to sell anyways and we loaded the rest in the back of the truck. 

The local chapter of the Eastern Stars was having a yard sale the following weekend, so we drove the truck to their hall and donated it to them.  It was an awesome feeling to not only be rid of so many things we have no use for, but also to be able to make a donation to a good organization.

The basement feels bigger and less cluttered after our yard sale.  Although we did not profit financially as well as we have in the past, we earned some karma and space and that is an even greater reward. Therefore, I have decided that the success of a yard sale should be rated on the ammount of space gained, not the ammount of money that is made.

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