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Sunday, July 29, 2012

I am back :)

It seems like forever since I have had or taken the time to share our adventures, and boy have we had them.  We have been doing everything from moving rocks around in the river to catching fish in the minnow trap to going to touch-a-truck.   I really wish the girls were a little bigger sometimes so that they could join in the activities that Aiden loves so much, but until then we will be having lots of naptime adventures and one on one adventures with either mom or dad.
We have found that the girls are not moving around enough to wear them out in the play yard and pack-n-play so we have been letting them roam free more and more.  They are so curious and get into everything.  Izzy even grabbed the bag of cheerio's out of the box and had fun throwing them into the floor.  ((I had to clean up the mess cause I had to take the time to snap a couple of photos, but it was worth it.)) 
Emma is fascinated with opening and shutting doors as well as taking off her shirt and trying to put it on again and putting on and taking off hats. She really likes the one that Grandma made for her a lot too.

Aiden is just a 4 year old boy, loll.  He has been having a lot of fun catching all sorts of bugs and anything else that is slow enough for him to catch.  I have fixed his critter cage so that most bugs cannot escape, but he has tossed it around enough that the lid does not latch and I have discontinued allowing it into the house.  Aiden likes to play with the bugs and occasionally gets distracted and loses them.  He also has lots of fun with his toad, Ribbert. 

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