
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just another day in the neighborhood! :)

 My favorite pictures are the ones I take of my family.   The lighting and clarity of my pictures could use some improvement, but that can wait until I can afford a kick-ass camera.  Until then I will rely on my so-so camera phone and happily preserve my memories.  I love seeing my babies smiling in their daddies arms so I try not to miss the opportunity to grab a new shot!!!

Emma and Izzy's favorite snack is baby goldfish.  Really they will eat just about any variety, but we feel safer with the smaller ones for now.  I had given them each a mini blueberry muffin which Izzy ate gladly, Emma choose to hold onto hers and see if she was given a better choice.  It is so funny how different they still can be. 
 The kids are usually so good about going to bed and staying there, that I told "J" that it was no problem for him to go hang out with a buddy and watch the fight tonight.  Little did I know that he would tell Aiden that he was leaving and that Aiden would be "helping" me work until like 11:30 pm.  It was touch and go a couple of times, but overall I am proud of how good and quiet he was while I was taking calls.


  1. I am so sorry that I havent called. I have no brain. Looks like you had an awesome day today. Love seeing new pics of the kids. They are getting so big. Call me tomorrow after about 12pm if you can. Love you and miss you guys!

  2. Just saw the comment! I will try to remember to call... my brain is gone as well.... babies will do that to you :)
