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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Power Outage 2012

It's been awhile since I have had the chance to post.  We lost power Friday night at 8:50 pm and it came back on Tuesday right around Noon.  We were all so grateful that we could turn off the generator and that we were lucky enough to have one through this whole ordeal.  (Thanks for stocking the house with a generator Daddy!)

The wind storm was incredible to say the least.  It was almost like being in the middle of a hurricane without the rain and once it was over there were more than 300,000 without power.  Since we are on a well it also meant that we were unable to keep it working and we ran out of water after just a couple of days.  We are at least lucky enough to have a river in the backyard so that we could still flush the toilets!  I really feel for the people that weren't as lucky. The poor AEP workers have been working around the clock to get everything back on track and they were even presented with a large thunderstorm on Sunday that took out power for an additional 30,000. 

Living without power, water, internet, home phone, and spotty cell service for 4 days gave us all a new appreciation for them. I really don't know if we could have managed to stay at home without a generator, but I was happy not to have to move into a hotel like so many others did.  Aiden asked several times "Why can't we just have electricity?" and stated "This is not the way I wanted things to go." and "nope I still don't have room electricity in my room."  I hope that he was old enough for this to be a learning experience for him and that he never has to go through it again.

I am very grateful that Mom and Dad were able to get their power back on Saturday.  With the condition Dad is in I really don't know if he would have survived without power.  The stress of the situation and the fact that temps reached triple digits over the weekend almost took him from us on Saturday and it was miraculous that the power came back on when it did, especially since the other side of the street was still without power until this afternoon.  Dad is still kinda touch and go, but he is here and I am enjoying the time I have left with him.

There is still a lot of clean-up to do from the storm.  So far we have carted about 8 wagons of sticks out of our yard, and we were lucky enough to not lose full trees.  Mom and Dad and many others were not that lucky and clean-up at their house is going to take awhile.  "J" will start working over there soon and see  how much he can get taken care of for them, but I have a feeling this job is going to take him the better part of the summer.

I did get a few more good shots of the kids during my down time and also accumulated a bunch of chores.  So for now, I will say goodnight and be well to everyone out there and I will post again when I get some free time (or I take it ;)! )

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