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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Cutie-Pa-Tooties :) Part 2

I'm so excited.... and I just can't hide it...na na na na na na na na...I just can't fight it!  Mom wanted some new pictures of the grandbabies so I got to borrow her camera again!  In case you didn't know I absolutely love this camera!!!

 Emma is such a ham!

 Izzy is peeking over the top of the pack-n-play!
 Aiden was good at the store the other day and got 48 army men!
 Izzy... you moved :( I still can't resist posting the smile :)
Emma is getting really good at moving the play yard around the room! 
Sweet Izzy! 
Great smile Emma! 
This one is a little blurry too, but I love the face she was making in this shot! 
 There's a happy Izzy!
Emma kept coming back over to her Daddy saying "Tika- tika- tika- tika" 

 Frizzy Izzy!

 Aiden will get into a picture whenever he can!
 It is near impossible to get them in one shot looking in the same direction, so for now this will have to do :)

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