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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Staycation 2012 Part 3 :)

Day 3 was dedicated to being lazy on the river.  We had a good brunch of bacon, eggs, pepper gravy, and biscuits and then we prepped for a day of fun in the sun.  I did have to scramble to find a new sitter last minute, but was lucky enough to get in touch with a friend that could use some extra money.  We were baby free from 12-630pm and took full advantage of it.  It took us a little while to get ready in the morning and we even had to wait out a small t-storm before we could get going.

Christy took Elise on her float and I took Aiden on mine.  Mark, Echo and Josh were lucky enough to get their own floats. :) I am pretty sure that by the end of the day Christy and Elise were the only two that did not fall off thier float. lol :)

Our orignal plan was to float from the wayside past the house and then down to a neighbor's house and come home.  The first stretch of river proved to be a little more tiring than we thought it would be.  Near the beginning of the run, Echo was pulled from her float by the current and got to ride the river hanging between two floats.  Then as we were floating Aiden decided he wanted to be able to hang from the side of our raft in between my feet and practice floating with his life vest.  We had gotten about 2/3 of the way home and Aiden and I were readjusting ourselves on our tube..... in an instance we both leaned the same direction and over we went.  As soon as I got him back in the float and showed him he was okay, he said "I don't ever want to do this ever again" while still crying.  Once I was back in the float he looked at me again and said "Mommy I think we should do this everyday!" with a big grin on his face.  By the time we got back to the house we had been on the river for 2-3 hours and everyone seemed to be done.  So we put everything away and I made a spaghetti dinner while Mark and "J" went fishing.  After 2 days of being out fished on his own turf, "J" finally tied Mark.

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