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Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day 2012! :)

 The kids and I started our day with some last minute shopping before we went to visit with Papaw today.  I had  already decided what I was going to get him, but I am also trying to teach "A" to give gifts as well so once I got my shopping done at Wal-Mart we set off for the Dollar-Tree!!!
"A" had a blast picking out gifts for his Daddy and his Papaw.  4-year-olds pick out some interesting presents too... Papaw got a set of disposable plates and bowls in yellow,  a magic rag that turns into a washcloth when you get it wet, a new coffee cup and a blue basket to store it in. 
 He got his Daddy some magic bugs in disolving capsules for them to play with, two magic towels, a Cars 2 stationary kit that included markers, some glow in the dark Halloween Knives, a bath scrubby and a green basket to put it all in.
 I had an epiphany last night and decided the best present I could get for "J" was a fishing license and some river shoes and some new undergarments for Dad.  I found out the hard way that in VA if you are buying a fishing license for someone else you need the last 4 numbers on their drivers license.  So, unfortunately "J" was not surprised by his new fishing freedoms, but everything else he got was a definite surprise.  Dad really seemed to like his presents too.  I realy hope they will provide him some added comfort in his wardrobe, by having something that fits again after some drastic weight loss.
I am working on getting another picture of the girls together and facing the same direction, but they never stop moving and exploring everything they can get their hands on.  "Izzy" is enthralled by Papaw's walker.  She uses it for a drum and loves to lift the seat to take things out of the basket underneath or put things back in. 

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