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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"We only have 3 kids right !?!"

 So I was doing laudry today and around mid-day I walked into the kitchen to see this on the kitchen table.  I couldn't resist, looked at my husband and said "We only have 3 kids right?" How we ended up with 5 dirty cups all in on spot by mid-day is still beyond me, but know I understand why I never have clean kid cups.

 A special thanks goes out to Bethany and her family, who were able to provide many hours of fun with this Little People race track.  "A" also love all the other pieces, but this one is his favorite as of late.

Poor kitty kat has seen better days!!! 
For some reason, even though "A" is 4 now, everything still goes in his mouth.  I really don't know why he hasn't broke that habit yet.  Since he hasn't kitty kat has a make-shift nose now as he chewed off the original one.  "A" seems to feel that she is as good as new now with  her new nose.

"Mommy, Mommy, Mommy!!! Look at what I invented. I invented two things that I could stand on so that I could reach snakey and spidery on the top of my bookshelf."
I love being a Mommy!

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