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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Do not leave twin 1-year olds unattended for even 5 minutes! :)

Grandma Dee Dee came for a visit today.  The girls got to run free before nap time and once they were sleeping "A" had Grandma Dee Dee all to himself. 

  Grandma Dee Dee decided to step outside for a few minutes without securing the girls in their pens and boy did she come back to a mess.  "A" unwillingly helped to clean up all the tissues and I found out the hard way that you can't just bunch up the tissues and expect them all to fit back into the box they came out of. Izzy really did not appreciate being scolded for helping her sister make a mess of the living room.

 It is hard to get a good shot of something as small as a grasshopper, but if you look close enough you can see our bounty from our grasshopper hunt today!

Tiger Butt has never been able to resist some attention.  He is such a loving cat, but he is very catious around "A" and doesn't seem to trust him one bit.

The girls really love getting to play on the trampoline, just the two of them.  Even though they can barely walk without falling down, they can run and jump on the trampoline with no problems what-so-ever.

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