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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A not so productive day, but I tried ;)

Well today was supposed to be more productive than it was.  We did go to the elementary school that Aiden will be attending preschool at to get the paperwork needed to get him registered.  Instead, we provided some things for his file and the secretary forgot to give me the paperwork that I was supposed to take with me.  So I will go back tomorrow by myself and fill out all the necessary paperwork while I am there.  "A" did get to meet his teacher for next year and got to see the preschool room.  We also found out that he will be going to preschool M-F for the whole school day.  I have to check to be sure, but I think he will be able to ride the school bus too.

I did get a start on housework and laundry, but tomorrow will be my day to get all the way caught up again so that maybe we can have a fun day on Thursday!

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