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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Fun Family Day !!!

We had some nice family fun today.  The girls got to play and jump on the trampoline for a little while by themselves and then the rest of us joined in the fun. 

The girls even got to have a little play time with Daddy!!!

The girls really love to play on the trampoline!  -- Side note -- I really hope "A" grows out of his love for ants soon!!!

For those of you that have not met Ribbert yet... he is "A's" pet frog and he lives in our terrarium with "Blue Tail."  We just learned that "Blue Tail" is in fact a female blue tail skink and both Grumpy and Stumpy were both males with bright red chins indicating that it is mating season for them.  I think Ribbert may try to eat baby lizards if they come about so he may have to be relocated.  For now tohough, we are enjoying having him around.... if you sit through the second video clip, you will hear Ribbert "chirp" talk to us.  We had been adding various types of bugs and spiders to the terrarium, but I learned that you should not feed captive critters spiders and they really have no interest in beetles and potato bugs.  So we went to Pet Smart and got some little crickets to add instead.  After having an incident that involved some  escaped crickets, we decided that the terrarium would get no more than 1 trip for crickets a week and we went grasshopper hunting instead.  We caught about 6 medium grasshoppers and 1 giant one. "A" even got to ride on a tractor today, but that video is one the hubby's phone so I will have to brings pics and such when I get the chance.  There are some wonderful pictures too, so make sure you stay tuned for the next post to make sure you don't miss anything!!! :)

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