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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My "Staycation" starts now!!!!!

"J" took "A" fishing in the canoe today.  We didn't have an anchor, so we got innovative and threaded 5 broken bricks with a rope and made one. They went up to the wayside to launch and floated home.  It was kind of nice to have a nice quiet house to clean (I even got the kitchen floor mopped again)!
I am geared up and ready for my "staycation"!  I have been brainstorming and parusing Pinterest for ideas and I will not be dissappointing you at all with stories of our adventures that will officially start when our guests arrive.  "A" can't wait to have Elise and Echo to play with and I can't wait for girl time with my BFF!
 I will tell you that we are going to have fun and that I have been working on making a net tonight.  To find out how our "staycation" turns out, stay tuned!

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