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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Almost caught up and ready for some family fun! :)

A couple more loads of laundry and we will have cleaned the house from top to bottom and got all the laundry clean again.  We even got "A's" room reorganized.

I dread the day that my kids get old enough that I start to worry about how their decisions are going to affect them for the rest of their lives.  My daddy got on a kick like that again today, worrying about the bad things that could happen if I were to ride a 4-wheeler.  It brought me back to when I was 14 and he decided he needed to shelter me from the world.  I really wanna believe the medication he is on is just making him overly protective, but it also makes him very argumentative which just tries my nerves.  As much as I want to take my mother's advice and lay low for a few days, I also want to go over and visit tomorrow.

We are going to make tomorrow family day, and are thinking about going back to Jump and taking the girls this time too.   I really think all of the kids will enjoy it and it will be a nice in-expensive outing for all of us. 

"A" was trying to pretend to be stuck in his toy box, needing help to get out.  He seemed to get a little irritated when I took pictures instead of helping.

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