
Welcome to our world... I hope you enjoy your visit and come back often to see what new things we have gotten into.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

"A" got to drive a real tractor!!! :)

We really haven't done anything new and different in the past couple of days.  Instead we have been enjoying some of our favorite activities: grasshopper hunting, jumping on the trampoline and playing in the yard.  I did manage to get the pictures off "J's" phone so that I could post them, te only thing I could not get was the video of "A" driving the tracor backwards.

Our neighbor Steve came over to the feild beside our house that he tends to and was nice enough to let "A" go on the tractor with him.  He even let "A" steer. He enjoyed it so much that he did not want to get down and let Steve get back to his work.
 "A" gets a little rough from time to time and gets kicked off the trampoline, here is another video of the kids having fun and jumping.  "A" seems to have the most fun jumping and making his sisters fall down, but they laugh about it so ya know.

I have been getting excited about my staycation from June 20th - June 25th.  So far we have a trip to Natural Bridge Zoo planned, my BFF from TN will be camping in the backyard for about 4 days and we are going back down the river with the boats again There is still a little planning to get done, but I know we are gonna have loads of fun!!!

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