To say the least I think I am going to take my nightly meds early tonight.  I have one that is in capsule form that I have been taking at bedtime, and occasionally it seems to dissolve before it makes it all the way down, causing some killer heartburn.  Last night was one of those nights for me and it was just awful.  Add to that "J's" back and shoulder were killing him, and "A" was up and in my bed ready to tackle the day at the break of dawn! "A" and I went out to the living room to watch TV while we waited for everyone else to get up and join us.  ((No I am not perfect or crazy and I did cat nap while we were waiting ;) ))
"A" helped me clean up the dinner mess tonight and helped me choose a pair of socks.  I think he choose them for the color, but was fascinated that there were individual places for all your toes.  He really wanted to try some on, and thus I let him try my blue striped ones.  He was tickled to have socks that were like mittens.
I do relish in the imaginations of small children.  "A" says such cute things all the time... "we are gonna have a super lot of fun" to a caterpillar... "hey buddy, do you remember me, we are friends" to a small bug that looks like the first one he caught a few days before. In this picture he was showing the dog his Construction man, pirate, soccer player outfit. 
In the spirit of preserving our family memories I am also trying to slide in some extra posts that highlight some of our favorite dishes with the stories, activities, treasures, etc that you have already seen.  I hope that you will keep these recipes alive by trying them out as well. Now I just have to figure out how to archive my posts up so that when each of you try to find an old post it is easily accessible by a category.