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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Staycation 2012 Part 1 :)

Our staycation officially started on June 22nd.  It was nice to have a couple of days to prep on the 20th and 21st before our guests arrived. We even had a chance to enjoy each other after all the prep work was done. 
 We had a breakfast of blueberry pancakes on the 22nd. Elise really liked being able to help mix the batter.  I poured the pancakes on the griddle and showed her how the batter bubbles as it cooks. 
 Echo claimed "J" as hers as soon as she saw the opportunity.  She is growing up so fast, with her height though it is hard to believe she is still only 11.
We spent most of the first day catching up, jumping on the trampoline, walking in the river, catching crayfish, fishing, building up the wading pond and enjoying a nice meal from the grill. 
"J" had lots of fun bouncing Elise and Aiden. 
 I think we exceeded the weight limit on the trampoline a couple of times through the weekend, it was a nice soft place to sit and relax with all the kids without having to chase them or keep track of them. 
 As the sun went down and the darkness set in, Elise and Aiden caught a bunch of fireflies using my home-made net.
 Then we moved to the driveway for some arts and crafts in the dark.
 The fairies in a jar project apparently needs better instructions, we did end up with some nice glittery, glowing jars, but they looked nothing like the pictures on Pinterest.
"J" did find an awesome new product from Crayola while we were shopping for our staycation called Glow Sand.  I bought salt and pepper shackers to go with it from the Dollar Tree and the kids had a blast sprinkling glowing sand across the driveway.  The best thing ever is how easy it is to just sweep away the next day.

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