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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Monday, Monday !!! :)

 Yay! It's Monday again! I really think I have an interesting start to almost everyday now that "A" is around and mobile.  This morning he found one of his feeder crickets in his sister's room.  After catching it and taking it out to feed to his critters, he couldn'd resist touching Grumpy.  Of course, Grumpy gets out and goes down to the basement door and back inside to where we found him. Now even though it has never hurt when Grumpy bit me I still didn't want to pick him up again.  "A" wasn't hesitant at all, he grabbed Grumpy up and toted him off, laughing as Grumpy tried to get a good bit on his finger.  We finally got him back into the terrarium with his friends and got them some crickets to eat, then it was time to head back in to get sisters up out of bed and get breakfast started.

For some reason (probably because I am up til 2am and then back up before 9 am most mornings) I was totally exhausted by the time breakfast was over.  I cat napped while the kids played and we waited for "J" to get home from school.  We were going to relax and nap during quiet time for the kids, but instead they are all getting to nap, while I supervise the insulation co's progress on getting this job finished.  In my opinion, it is more professional to call before you show up, especially if you are coming out in the middle of the day.  Since it is technically Mom's project, she will be here soon to help me supervise and make sure that the job is done to her satisfaction before payment is issued.

I did finally remember to call the county school office today to see if they had in fact sent out the letter they had promised me at least 3 weeks ago, showing that "A" had been accepted into the preschool program. Boy am I glad I called them. Apparently, I am not, in fact, getting a letter.  Instead I should have been told to go directly to the school to complete registration.  So I guess I will add that to my list of things to do tomorrow, since today has become quite full already.

So today "A's" behavior was much better today.  He wants to be a team, he gets to drag all of his toys out and tear his bed to pieces and then he wants me to team up with him to clean his room on my lunch break.   I help him when he asks nicely and when he demands help, I tell him no.  I want to help him so I can spend some time with him, but if he does that before dinner then we can hang out right before bed instead of cleaning together.   We had time to read "Grandma loves you" tonight at bedtime.

We got a new wagon today, courtesy of Al and Tracy.  "A" decided the new wagon was his immediately since it is green.  For the life of me I can't think of what he was calling it, he did take his sisters for a ride in his original wagon, but he didn't make it too far and I was chasing babies and a wagon down a very low grade incline.  I can put them all in a wagon now when I want to go for a walk, I just have to figure out the best way to daisy chain them together.  I'm going to get strong arms from towing the wagons, or I could get the hubby to go walking with me and take his own wagon......hmmmmm..... the possibilities are endless!!!

On a sad note, I found "Grumpy - the- biting- lizard" dead in the tank.  I am hoping he didn't get crushed by a shifting rock..... might have to think about limiting the large rocks in the terrarium... still need to gather moss, maybe we will work on the terrarium again tomorrow and do some redecorating.  Ribbert-the-Frog is doing good, he finds fun places to hide and comes out to sit on the rocks at night.  Stumpy-the-Lizard was looking kinda rough with some molting, but maybe he will look better once he sheds his old skin. I haven't seen Blue Tail-the Lizard today, but I will be hunting for her tomorrow.

.......to be continued

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