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Monday, June 4, 2012

"Look Mommy ..... !!!!! ;)

This morning I woke up to an interesting site.  Out the eye I wasn't laying on, I was looking down a 1" black tube.  "A" piped up as my eye began to focus and said "Mommy, lots of crickets in there!"  I guess I need to put the cricket cage somewhere he might find it if her were to look.  The frog and lizards were lucky to get fed first thing in the morning today! .... lol

All the kids were kinda snotty this morning.  "A" got up early and got everyone else up too.  It was cold in the house, guess a cold front must have blown through with the storms.  The girls took a short nap and then we took "A" to visit his friend Alyssa for a little bit before I had to start working this evening.  "A" was refusing to nap again today, but I think he just got so tired that he was in a really foul mood for the 2nd half of the day.  I don't think I have ever seen that much attitude out of him for so long. "Em" tried to escape up the stairs chasing Princess. 

 Dan was having fun playing with "Iz" and Tisha is trying to hide from the camera!

We put the girls down about 30 mintes early tonight and "A" was in bed on time.  I really hope he gets some good sleep tonight, but "J" said he had been crying in his sleep as if having nightmares... poor kid says he dreams about bulls and monsters... guess I should do some research and see what the experts have to say about those types of dreams.... lol. Have a great day y'all!  :)

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