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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rookie Mistake! --- and --- We have Ducks and Chickens for sale!

Soooo... I was using Facebook as a platform to move my pictures from my phone to my PC without having to go through the whole download process and taking apart the charging cable to connect everything and blah blah blah... but I wanted to post a lot of pictures and then select which ones to share when I could see them better on my computer screen... so I changed the setting on my pictures to "only me" and uploaded away... I wrote day after day, staying as consistent as possible while fighting this nasty bronchitis that seems to be going around and taking care of the farm and the kids and mom....and then I noticed that I forgot to change my settings back to "friends" when I shared the links to (what I hope are) my latest greatest blog posts and I wasn't sharing them with anyone but me.... ooops.... sorry about that folks... I hope after you read today's conquest you will look back over the last few days and check out the adventures you may have missed. :)

Anyway...the story of the day is all about chickens and ducks and weaving....As I have mentioned we have about 42 chickens, ducks and roosters and we need to thin out the flock.  Unfortunately, mom had some bad luck last summer and ended up getting 5/10 roosters when she bought that addition to the flock and now we have 7 or 8 roosters...  and there are 5 that need to go to make room for hens... They are pretty Buff Orpington roosters and very fun to be around, but still young enough to go in the fry pan if that's what you're looking for.  These were hatched in Late July 2015.  We would love to sell them off or trade them for some concrete blocks to use in our garden. If you would like to buy a rooster we are selling them for $15 each or trading for 10 concrete blocks (they can be used as long as they are in good shape with no cement on them)... 
Image result for images of cement blocks         
The majority of our ducks are Muscovy Ducks and we were lucky enough to get an addition of 9 birds to our flock out of just one nest.  These ducks like company and if you don't have any ducks you would want to start with at least 2.  Their mom's name is Lucky and she is a brown and white Muscovy and the Dad is named Quackers and he is a Silver Muscovy.  These ducks make great pets and should start laying eggs in the next month or two.  Duck eggs are actually more healthy than chicken eggs  and can be a great substitute for people with chicken egg allergies too.  For more information on Duck eggs and their nutritional benifits check out his article I found by LocalHarvest.org .  We are selling off 5 of the young females for $20 each.

Last but not least for the day... I have finished weaving my first shawl of 2016!  This one is done in VT colors and is going to look amazing once I get the fringe added to the bottom.  I am so excited with how this pattern turned out, but I am also looking forward to diving into my yarn stash as soon as it comes off the loom to get started on some on the other beautiful colors I have lined up!


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