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Monday, January 25, 2016

Snow Day Fun #?... I lost count.....Are these kids ever going back to school?


  Schools were closed again today so the kids and I got to go out in the snow again.  We made sure to get some more sledding time in then we tried our hand at building snowmen for the second time this year. The girls helped me build the snowman at the top and Aiden made the one below... I was supposed to help him, but his hands got too cold before I got the first snowman done.  He was going for a snow turtle, but the sled fell over... 

We also went out looking at the animal tracks in the snow... I wish my pictures were a little better, but hopefully you can see what we found too.... 
 Deer  Duck 
 Angel  and Cat!  
Did any of you find any cool tracks in the snow?

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