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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Another shawl done and another one started! #SomethingSpecial #LongDays

This shawl was  a special order from a festival in Amherst Co., VA.  It is Edwardian, grey, and Colonial Blue, which is more like a navy.  Mom was afraid that the colors would be too close and the blue wouldn't show up, but I'm glad  I decided to go with the customers first choice and stuck with a darker grey.
I stayed up until 12:30 this morning working on this project and then worked on it on and off until 6:30 tonight to get it done!  I'm very excited with how well it turned out and hope she loves it as much as I do!
This shawl is done in one of my favorite yarns, Lion brand: homespun.  Due to the nature of the yarn each piece of fringe has to be knotted on both ends to keep it from unraveling.  Since this is a 7 foot shawl that's over 600 knots!
With interest shifting to smaller shawls and fall colors I have decided to go with Barley for my next color at a 5 foot setting.  This is a beautiful variegated light to medium brown mixture.  I am hoping to have at least 3 ready to go off to Mom for edging by the end of the weekend! 

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