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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

6 years married ---- 12 1/2 years together......It was great to get a night out with no kids!

J and I got married 6 years ago on April 14, 2007.  It was a overcast and rainy day that day, lucky for us there was beautiful weather for our anniversary this year.  We decided to take a overnight trip to celebrate this year, but we didn't want to spend too much time driving, so we got online and started searching for festivals, events, concerts anything to do..... the selection was very limited, but there was a comedy show in Durham NC.  So we got tickets to the show, booked a hotel and arranged for childcare..... ((Thank you so much to everyone that pitched in to help, but especially to Mom, who had the kids most of the time we were gone))

The show was at the DPAC (Durham Performing Arts Center...see first pic) and we had seen on their website that they served all types of alcohol there.  We were surprised to see that you could also buy it on the sidewalk outside even though it is illegal to smoke on the sidewalk there....hmmm?

.... boy did they have a selection tho......Since the show started at 5pm and it was a little early for me to start driniking liquor I grabbed a Sprite and J got a beer and then we took our seats and waited for the show....

Yes, I know it is just an empty stage, but I wanted to see if I could get a decent picture.... of course J was a party pooper and wouldn't let me take any pictures during the show, as not to disturb the people sitting around us with my bright phone screen.... :( ... irregardless we had a blast and laughed so much that our checks hurt.... If you get the chance I would recommend seeing Larry the Cable Guy and Bill Engval perform.  They are Hilarious!!!!

DPAC has 3 different balcony levels and they were so organized getting people seated that I was amazed to see how many people were actually there as we all filed out after the show.  We went to dinner at The Saucy Crab after the show, which had an awesome design, but not so awesome menu.  Their seafood selection was good, but there was no steak offered to go with it....idk... I guess we are just steak and seafood type people....LoL... The hotel was so-so as well, hard bed and we had to pay $3 extra for high speed wi-fi access that still wasn't good enough to skype on :(Plus I took a die hard VT fan and put him on Duke campus overnight with this hotel selection)..... Ooops... LoL... surprisingly he took the news better than I had expected.  Neither of us would recommend a stay at the Homestead extended stay hotel, that is for sure.

 We decided to drive back the same way we took to get to Durham until we got to Danville so we could take some pictures of neat places and things on the way back, that we had seen on the way.  We got to see most of the things we wanted to again, but we did get off track a little in Danville and missed some of the sites in Martinsville.  Now, Durham was a nice place to visit, but we prefer to be in the country, so we drove for awhile before finding our first treasure.  This old time store is in Yanceyville, NC.  We loved the old time gas pumps and the wethered rocking chairs on the front porch, it looked like it was plucked right out of the history books.

 Now, I don't know about you, but when we passed this on the way to Durham we were totally curious.  ((How redneck is that)) so we planned to stop here on the way home and see what it was all about.  Now mind you this Walmart is about the size of a Dollar General, but they managed to fit a little bit of everything in there... from the fresh produce to toys.....
...this end cap and 1/4 of an isle plus a rack of new release DVD's made up their electronics section....

....and as long as you already had a pole and some fishing line, you could pick up some lures or live bait... Lovin' the DMF advertisement ;)

After making sure we could stop at the Walmart Express we decided to find food....while we were trying to decide where to eat we drove through downtown Danville.  The architecture there is absolutely beautiful, it's hard to see in this picture, but the middle window in the tower was done in an awesome stained glass design.  We also drove through the old tobacco district and looked at the tobacco storage warehouses.  I wonder what they are being used for now...the years have not dulled the beauty of this district at all certainly worth the visit.


We found a mexican restaurant "Los Tres Magueyes" (I think that is how it is spelled) in Danville for lunch...their decor was awesome down to the metal garden art outside and the menu was huge.  I would definitely recommend stopping there if you are in the area looking for food, cause it was Super Yummy!

Although our mini-vacation was fun, it was also nice to be at home and see the kids again.  They ran their poor grandma ragged and they were happy to see us too.

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