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Friday, April 19, 2013

If you've ever tried taking pictures of more than one child at a time, I feel your pain....LoL

I got the tablet out to check out the different cameras on it and see what kind of pictures I could get out of the girls.....

They love the tablet and wanted to keep pressing buttons, so half the time I would press the button to take a picture and there would be a little finger somewhere else on the screen causing it not to respond....

So to eliminate the "help" I was getting I tried to get the girls to sit in their comfy chairs.....

Emma smiles and disobeys as Isabella sits there heartbroken, because I told them "No" when they wanted to get up......

...but around here "monkey see, monkey do" happens more often than not....

....I just kept snapping away.....

....and eventually I had enough good/decent pictures to share.....

...at least one of them sat still for a few.....

When we gave up on getting the girls to sit together for a picture, we switched back to the rear camera on the tablet and tried again....((I just love the curls))

Emma was better behaved this time....

...and she really enjoyed looking at herself making different faces....

...she is so cute even with a silly face on! :)

Isabella is more stubborn and I had to catch her playing in the background to get her to sit still.....

I hope you all enjoy the new pics.... I will get some more of Aiden and send out an update asap. ;)

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