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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Is it Spring? Really!?!

This little chick makes me want to have a chicken of my own, he hatched 2-3 days after the rest of the eggs in this batch and is as unique as the Ugly Duckling.... I love that it has striped feathers while all of the rest of them are mostly black with a speck of white here and there.  Aiden and I got some pics of these guys while Mom was out of town and now they are getting adjusted to life without their heat lamp so they can be put outside.  They have finally gotten big enough that they won't need a heat light anymore, and other than the late hatcher the rest of them have pretty much lost all their fuzz and it has been replaced with feathers.... I think it is very interseting the difference just a couple of days can make in the growth of a chick.

Since the snow melted this last time we have been having better and better weather.... I have had the chance to transplant some of the Iris's and even got to take the kids for a wagon ride today ((that'll wear you out))....They love it when I tie the wagons together and they all get to ride on the wagon train....J and I even worked on the trampoline and were able to straighten the frame out enough that the kids can still enjoy it.... I'm not so sure adults want to get on it anymore, but I know it can handle 50lbs with no problem and that makes Aiden a lot more happy.

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