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Monday, April 1, 2013

Featuring "Aiden the Artist"

 My little artist was hard at work with his new paints today...
 I really love this picture with all of the components he has included.... this is a dinosaur on a sunny/rainy day with a tree and a flower..... just in case you were unsure ;
....this is  a dog and another dinosaur ((in person you can even see the teeth he added with white paint)) I didn't get a shot of the finished product on this one, but he added spikes to the dinosaur and rain.... they will be on display in his room for all to see when they come to visit.... ((Speaking of which I need to get another round of art added to his wall and clean of the thop of the microwave again)) I am really enjoying Spring Break with Aiden and can't wait til I am off work all day with him on Wednesday and Thursday, maybe the weather will even be warm enough to take the kids to the playground *crosses fingers*

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