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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hey Everyone!!!! Did anyone make it to the kite festival???

Kitty got another boo-boo and needed some stitching.  It is a little scary for me to let Aiden love him, since I got him from my BFF (Mary Pilaar) when I was 4.  So far he is being pretty gentle, Kitty is just old, so as long as I don't have to repair him too much, I guess I can share him.

I took Aiden for his Kindergarten physical on the 18th.  I have been saying all year that he has been growing like a weed and his doctor confirmed that I was right.  So normally a child will grow about 2 inches from age 4 to 5.... Aiden grew 4 inches.  No wonder all his pants are high waters..... good thing it is almost warm enough for shorts everyday.

Last weekend Aiden was supposed to go to a birthday party for a classmate and he had been misbhaving so he was told he could not go.  ((I was pretty happy that we didn't go after I found out some kid pooped and peed on the slide at Burger King during the party))  Instead we went to Goodwill to get some clothes for the "Moonshine Tour" -- stay tuned for that story.....

On the way to Goodwill J called and told me that the kite festival was going on....I have been trying to make it to this festival for a few years now and mostly because of the weather I have not gone.  This year it was a perfect windy day, but still a little chilly for my taste, plus J was off mowing a yard and I had all 3 kids.

Once we got done at Goodwill and started to head home, I got curious and had to see if the festival was over....to my delight the sky was still full of kites.

The girls didn't really notice the kites until we got out of the car, but once they did they were in heaven.  Aiden was really good at helping me hold his sisters hands, even with his help it was still hard to coral them all. 

We only stayed for about 15 minutes, but we saw some awesome kites and Even got to see them put some of the bigs ones up too......

Aiden couldn't decide if the frog, lizard, octopus or parrot was his favorite......

Isabella and Emma loved them all and we pointing and saying "I Kite, I Kite!" all the way out of the park.

I did have to work Saturday night as well so we had to get home, but I was happy to get a few pictures and to get to at least take the kids and let them see the sky full of kites in all their glory. 

I took this one out the car window, but loved the light effect that it caught so I threw it in too.... I hope next year I will get it on the calendar so we don't forget and that the weather will be good so that we can all go out for a day of fun together.

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