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Monday, May 6, 2013

Community Service Day #1 for 2013

J and I are waiting for the new season of "Moonshiners" on the Discovery Channel.  Until then we were able to get our fix a different way.  This year I decided to do my first paid community service day participating in the Moonshine Express tour held in Rocky Mount.  Since J loves the history of the event and the subject matter so much he even joined me.

Melissa and I had done the  "Ghosts and More" tour last fall and had a lot of fun.  It was great that she was able to come back again and we got to be at the same stop, so we got to hang out all day!

At the Historical Society Some of the locals brought out pieces from stills and created a mock still to display....

There was even a former officer onsite that has written books about some of the raids he participated in giving a unique perspective to the days of prohibition....

It was so neat to see all of the equiptment up close....

...When we told Melissa that there was a worm in the box, she didn't get it at first.... We're gonna have to get her to watchin' Moonshiners and learning a thing or two.... LoL
They had old cars on display.....

...and the other tour participants walked around to visit with the guests after the tour....Pictured here is "Booty and the Rum Runner Queen" ((Randall Meadows and Carlene Deal))

We were just one stop away from Carlene for our part and I hope I get to have that much fun when I retire....

She told us some of the greatest stories and it was a blast to be in her company!

It was a nice crisp spring day and the Sun shown down to warm us in the afternoon while music filled the air.

J was disappointed that "Tim" was not able to ocme to the Moonshine Express the weekend we choose to go, but he was happy that it was a nice day and not raining.

After we had spent the day at the Moonshine festival, Melissa, Randall, J and I went out to dinner before heading home.

Once again we appreciated the time Mom spent with the kids, though she was tired and ready for a break when we got back she enjoyed spending some time with the Grandbabies.

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