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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Springtime 2013

 Spring has sprung, finally, maybe... LoL.... We have been riding the spring weather roller coaster.... One day its 80 next day its 50, Rain for two weeks followed by 1 day of sun..... then its time for a late frost warning... I am just glad that my allergies have finally gotten under control for the most part.
 Aiden and I have been working on transplanting Iris's and putting together a vegetable garden.  We tried to plant some flowers that should have sprouted by now, so I guess we are gonna have to try again with our last seed packet and see if we can get some new flowers to replace the Iris's we moved.

We have gotten more flowers out fo the Iris's we haven't transplanted yet, but surprisingly enough some of the ones that were moved bloomed as well.

 We have had lots of luck with tomato plants this year.... even after giving a couple away we still have 22 plants that need to go into the ground soon.  The birds are loving pulling apart the hanging basket that the catnip is growing in, I was able to catch this guy in a couple of pictures and will have to look to see what kind he is.
I love taking pictures of the coulds as storms roll in and here lately I have had ample opportunites to catch some great shots.....
....the ominous black clouds swallow the blue sky ......

 ....and then the wind and rain follow.....
 ...so far this year we have not had much thunder and lightening..... but wow the wind....

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