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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Congrats to Momma!!!

 Congratulations Momma!!! I want to give a shout out and tell you how proud we are of you!
 It took J's mom a lot of hard work and many hours doing work for free to complete the necessary clinicals for her program of study, but she finally made it and is now a Graduate from Virginia Western Community College!
 It was great to see everyone in the family that was able to make it for the ceremony, though it was longer than expected, Momma deserved every moment of our time.
 The pictures on my phone turned out kinda so-so....
 .... Who can spot Ricky? (he's the one in yellow...LoL)
 Now Momma just has to pass her State Board test and she has set herself up for success and promotion!
 Thanks again Mom for watching the girls for us, there is no way we would have made it all the way through the ceremony with them in tow.

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