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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Preschool Graduation!!!

We put Aiden in preschool so that he could build some social skills that would benifit him in kindergarten.  It has been a rough year between visits to see the principal and Mommy sleeping through her alarm making Aiden late for school, but we have almost made it to summer break.  I am still hopeful that Aiden's experience riding the bus and going to school will help to prepare him for the years to come that are going to be increasingly difficult academically. Aiden has made a lot of friends and has made a lot of progress learning how to behave and make good choices.  We have gone to numerous birthday parties and Dr visits.  There have been field trips and field days.  They hatched two ducklings (ducky and fluffy), cared for the school rabbit and even had hermit crabs to care for in the classroom. 

Aiden has officially graduated preschool and I am so happy that summer break is almost here.... I am so wishing the highschool kids went to school earlier than the elementary school so I could get an extra hour of sleep....but unless things change we have 6 more years to go of getting up with the birds... LoL....at least Aiden has and is using his own alarm clock now and he somes to get me up so we can get him ready for school each morning.

His class did a musical interpretation of "Pete the Cat - walking in my white shoes" and showed a video interview of the kids as well..... For the most part I did ok as a camera man, but the alarm on my phone did go off at one point and the camera totally panned with me as i moved to turn it off.....

Then they got to dress in their caps and gowns and get their certificate.  I loved all the different ways the kids choose to decorate their caps.... Aiden's was green of course....LoL.

The twins were a hit at graduation and got hugs from Lerone.....

....and said "hi" to Jenna....

Aiden was excited that his Grandma and Grandma Dee-Dee got to see him get his certificate and to know he was ready to move on to Kindergarten..... little did he know that there was still 2 more weeks of preschool to finish out, poor kid.

I am super proud of Aiden and how well behaved and independant he was during and after graduation... He really makes me smile from ear to ear when he shows just how grown-up and responsible he can be... I just hope that next year he has a teacher that appreciates having him in her classroom and does not choose to make an example out of him for a second year in a row. 

Aiden, baby, Mommy and Daddy love you more than the world and we are so proud of all the ways in which you have grown and matured over this school year!!!

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