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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Ribbert came back!!!

 Last year in the fall we emptied our terrarium and let all of our critters go to hibernate for the winter....
 About a week or so ago Aiden and I were outside and saw a lizard run into the rocks around the front garden.... So we went looking for it .....
 ....first we found a baby snake, that I was in fact ready to catch.... but it got away before I could....
... but while I was trying I heard a loud rustling coming from under a different rock... Upon further investigation we discovered that "Ribbert" must have missed us and decided to come back.... LoL... So we set-up the terrarium and bought him some crickets and made him right at home.... Now we have also found "Squirmy Super Frog" and he has been fairly determined to just get free, hopefully now that we finally got him to eat some crickets he will be happier to stay.... Stay tuned for udates on the terrarium throughtout the spring and summer.

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