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Sunday, May 12, 2013

I am playing catch-up.... watch for more than one post today!

Happy Birthday Chloe!!! Things have been so busy over the past couple of weeks that somewhere along the lines I got a day ahead of myself.... and last Satruday Aiden and I scrambled to get a present and get to the party on time.....  

 ... just to find out that we were a day and 10 minutes early....Aiden told me on the way home on Saturday "Mommy if we go back again tomorrow and it's still not time for the party, I am not coming back a third time." very matter-of-factly... it was too funny....
 This is Grace from Aiden's Pre-School class.....
 ... Silly Treshon ....
 and the Birthday Girl Chloe!!!
 I love that she dipped her chin in the cake trying to blow out all the candles!!!

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