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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Snow in April!?! WTH

 It was the oddest thing... it was 50 and looked like it was going to be a beautiful day in the morning... J was helping out one of his teachers and had gone to school early on Thursday..... he called me around Noon and said it was sleeting there and I may get to see him earlier than expected.... hmmmm..... I was doing chores and hadn't been paying attention to the weather and went I took some trash out I could feel the snow in the air....could it be? A snow storm in April? Really !?!
 Sure enough in now time it was snowing, and the flakes were huge....funny thing is all sorts of things have be proven wrong this year... The groundhog didn't see his shadow and winter still has not gone away, I saw a flock ((not just one, but a Flock)) of Robins in my yard a couple of weeks ago, it doesn't snow in VA after the middle of March..... I don't know what to think anymore.....

 It was super hard to get the true size and ammount of snowflakes taht were falling, so I took more video than pictures this time.... but the videos really captured the true nature of this snow.....

It snowed and snowed and snowed  ......

 and it just kept comin down until we had about 3-4 inches of snow......
 We enjoyed laughing at the comments on weather.com stating "precipitation is occuring nearby" and "nearby locations are also reporting snow" and "snow is accumulating rapidly" as the storm prgressed through the area.

 The storm created a donut hole of snow and dropped it right on our heads... LoL... who woulda thunk it?
 Aiden got to have fun playing in the snow with J and Gus, throwing snowballs on Spring Break is a new one for me for sure.

 I really wanted to capture the true enormity if the chunks of snow that were falling from the sky.... and the only way I could figure out how was to film straight up.....
 I got hit with a few snowflakes in the process, but the video was totally worth it....
My favorite snow covered tree!!!

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