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Friday, July 22, 2011

Recycling - Upcycling - Repurposing: Part 1

Moneta Elementary School in Bedford County VA does a whole lot of recycling... They collect Aluminum cans, Box Tops for Education, Campbell Soup Labels, Drink pouches, Malt-o-Meal Cereal Bags, Gum packages, Lays potato chip bags (large and small), used ziploc bags (all sizes), mars candy wrappers (all sizes), Lunchables plastic trays and much more... and turn them into profit... Now granted all of the money earned is turned over to the PTA and used to fund school activities, but isn't that really the BEST part? The kids and families that support this school and their rcycling programs not only help the environment, but they also get money back on their purchases to enrich the life of a child. I can't think of any better rewards for giving someone your trash and keeping it out of the local landfill. If you would like to donate anything to them please visit them @


In my home we save all of the items listed to donate to Moneta Elementary Scool except for the aluminum cans which I usually give to my nephews or my "Momma". You will hear me refer to "Momma" in other posts I'm sure and she is actually my Mother-in-Law. My "Mom" has and always will be "my Mom" and I love her dearly.

How do you recycle?

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