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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tips and Tricks for a Couponing Newbie

If you are new to couponing there are some basic things you can do to get started. I recommend having some sort of filing system- Mine is divided into 12 basic categories and then the coupons are alphabetized according to product within the category so that I can quickly find them for a sale I may happen upon.

I also purchase two Sunday papers at the local Dollar Tree ($1 each). When I find a BOGO deal (buy one get one) I will use a coupon on each item and really rack up on the savings.

I like to watch the deals at the local drug stores as they tend to have some of the better deals when you take the time to divide your purchase into separate orders so you can us your store rewards as you earn them instead of having to worry about them expiring.

Whenever I have coupons for -.50 or less I will usually take them to Kroger as they will double them in my local store.

And lastly there is coupon stacking where you use a MC (manufacturer's coupon) and  a SC (store coupon) on the same item and if you are buying formula you can also use those handy checks that are sent out stacked with a MC and SC for even more savings.

I hope that you will find this info useful and I hope you keep checking back to see the deals I have found.

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