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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

and the chaos continues....

So yesterday I was talking about Aiden and the battles we are fighting and I would like to say that he was pretty good today.  We had a very full day and we were all up at the crack of dawn to get a lot of stuff done. ((imagine if you can - J walking out of the bedroom to be greeted by Aiden fully equipped with his new transformers bicycle helmet taunting his sisters through the gate across the hall... before 7am at that.... hehehehe makes me giggle to picture it)) After breakfast and getting dressed we headed out to Mom's to get an early start on her chicken coop project and get some errands taken care of.   J started working on framing up the remaining walls and I took the rest of the crew and Mom to the river house to pick up a door for the chicken coop, then we dropped off the truck tire to have a nail hole repaired and finally we went to Lowe's to get the rest of our supplies for the coop.  When we got back I helped to hold some boards in place as they were nailed together and mark boards for cutting so that we could make a real dent in this project. ((There is still quite a bit to do, but things are coming together, for now it will have to wait until next weekend before we can work on it again))  I was supposed to get the grocery shopping done, but forgot my card at home ((and of course didn't realize it until after we had already made one trip back for a door) and J had to go back out to do the shopping and then pick up the girls before coming home. ((I came home for work at 4:30 this evening)) Whew... What a day!!

I did get some pictures of our snow storm on 1/18/2013.  We got about 4-5 inches of snow at it's fluffiest ;) , which ended up being an icy 2-3 inches the next day.  Aiden had almost lost hope that we were going to be able to make a snowman when we tried one last time and it was the right consistency..... Our snowman turned out looking kinda dirty, but at least we got to make him!! ((and Aiden got to knock him down a couple of days later))  I think Aiden's favorite part of snow is catching it in a bowl and then adding juice to make a homemade slurpie.  He also loves throwing snowballs of course and just being outside and touching and exploring his world in a frozen state.  I am grateful that the  homeopathic cough and cold medicine and the humidifier seem to be "keeping the mucus moving" as the nurses put it and he has been able to enjoy the cold weather and it hasn't slowed him down at all.

The girls seem to have decided that if they get to choose,  morning starts when the sun thinks about coming up.  I am not real excited about this, but I think I am going to give in and see how hard it really is to adapt to less sleep.  I am definitely more tired close to the end of my shift, so winding down may take less time at least.  Anyone that knows me, knows I have never EVER been a morning person, so maybe a pre-morning schedule will be better... LoL.... one can only hope anyways.   If nothing else I can at least look at the light at the end of the tunnel -- when J is done with spring semester there will be a chance for a change of pace. ((Poor guy even tried letting the girls stay up later.  They just got up earlier))  For right now though we are about to dive into a new semester and for the first time J will be taking classes 5 days a week and we will hardly see each other.  I am hoping to celebrate surviving those 15 weeks with a much deserved date for our anniversary.  We are almost to the 6 year mark and on our way to 12.5 years as a couple :)

Now, I know I have been complaining about Aiden a lot lately and not saying much about the girls.....and no they are not being perfect little angels like they should be.  They have been behaving for a couple of days again, but we are still battling to keep clothes on them.  I even tried putting their sleepers on backwards with the zipper up their back and Emma just tackled Isabella to unsnap and unzip her sleeper for her.  Isabella was at least kind enough not to return the favor, which did seem to miff Em just a little... LoL.... They have started trying out new words and can count to three, which is something pretty cool their Daddy taught them.  It is so cute listening to Emma trying to say her colors and new words, but she is particular and does not perform on command, she will only talk when she feels like it.  Isabella seems to annunciate better than Emma does, but alas she doesn't perform on command either...LoL....

Ok I getting super tired and almost delirious so I will go for now and I will try to come back and visit again tomorrow ;)

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