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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Well, it has finally happened

Well, it has finally happened.  Up until now when the girls decided to remove their diapers at least they were just pee-pee diapers.  Now we knew that the girls had been in the mood to take their clothes off early on in the day and when they were laid down for bed not only did they have full body sleepers on they were also wearing a onesie on underneath.  This is usually enough to deter them from stripping down, but not last night.... Oh No, not one bit. In fact I woke up to the hubby (rather calmly) telling me we had a baby in the next room over covered from head-to-toe in poop.  Not only had she removed the sleeper, she then proceeded to unsnap the onsie so that she could remove and apparently play with the soiled diaper.  At least with the pee-pee diapers she has only shredded one of them, most of the time they are just tossed in the floor and if we are lucky we are there to put a new diaper on before they have to go again. J said she has officially inherited the nick-name his Grandaddy so lovingly bestowed upon him "shitbirt".

After cleaning up the poopy kid and poopy bed we settled back into our normal morning routine, breakfast and then some free play time and dancing to youtube videos.  After dancing and holding babies I became curious to know what their stats were and boy was I shocked.  Now I knew that Emma was taller than Izzy (34" vs. 33") but I was surprised to find out that Emma weighs 26.6 lbs. vs Izzy's 25.4 lbs. Now I know 1.2 lbs. should not really make that much different, but there is something about the way Izzy sits in my arms that she just feels heavier than Em.  I also find it interesting that they started their lives the same height and now the little sister has become the bigger sister.

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