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Monday, January 14, 2013

Mommy Won this round!!!

So far we have survived a few napless days and a few late nights with toddler beds, but this morning when the pitter patter of little feet started before the sun came up, it was not a welcome sound.....They didn't care.  They were awake and soon the rest of us were too ((They even got up before Aiden did and after working til 2am and winding down til 3am I was not impressed)) :( grrrrr grumble grumble grumble.....((not only did I work late, I also got up and worked 11:30 am - 1 pm for some extra hours))... Since it has been so hard to keep the girls in bed at night time, we haven't even been attempting naps.  Those often turned into an extended time-out rest period where no one was fighting with anyone else since they were all isolated in their own little space.  For the past few days, nap time has been some time in their room for the girls and since Aiden has been sick, either tablet time or TV time.  Today though, since the girls got up so early and they had started to get cranky early, I decided to give nap time a try again and this time I was more persistent.  We started at 1pm, I would lay them down, walk away, walk back, lay them down, walk away, walk back, on and on and on, til I finally gave up after an hour and told them they still had to stay in their room for nap time.  Though this does not provide them much rest because they are stubborn, it does give me a break......most of the time anyway.  As I sat down to take in an episode of One Tree Hill while Aiden played on the tablet, I heard the indistinguishable sound of little feet coming down the hallway.  After putting the girls back in their room several more times I took away the toys that they were standing on to make climbing  over the gate possible, or so I thought.  So what do they do next next? They just climb over the gate with no assistance. ((of course they do))  At this point I am at my wits end trying to figure out how to win this battle, when I remembered how we got Aiden to stay in his room when we had this battle a few years ago.  I had Aiden stand guard at the gate while I went down to the basement.  When I came back to crying babies they calmed momentarily as I approached, until they figured out Mommy was adding another gate.  As mean as it seemed, they found out Mommy was the boss when I stacked two gates in their doorway to be able to keep them in their room. I WON!!! After a lot of crying and screaming and fit throwing it started to get just a little more quiet.  Izzy gave up first and laid down across a pillow in the floor, out cold.  Emma was upset that Izzy gave up but was rubbing her eyes.  All it took was putting her in the bed one last time and Wa-La we had peace and quiet for exactly 10 mins. LoL 

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