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Monday, January 21, 2013

Chaos, Chaos, everywhere!

Things around here have been so chaotic I don't even know where to start this time. Let's see, last week started with Aiden not feeling good and acting out at school. From what I can get out of him, he didn't really get to join his classmates for any of their daily activities and was sent to the principals office 4 times in 1 1/2 days at school.  That was followed up by a snow day on Friday and a Holiday on Monday, making a long 4 day weekend. ((I even had to miss work on Friday, due to the internet being out)) Things do seem to go better at home when Aiden is allowed to stick to one of us like glue and be allowed to be involved in everything we do, but we really want him to be able to entertain himself, as well as be able to play nicely with others.  Take this morning for instance, I got up and got breakfast for all of the kids and laid back down for a cat nap while they got their grub on.  After they finished eating Aiden discovered a bottle of baby powder low enough to reach and proceeded to dump it over his sisters, their booster chairs and the living room as well.  Now I was not happy with Aiden's choices, but I was very proud when he came in to get me back up and said "Mommy I did something that I know I should not have done."  For one I am ecstatic that he admitted his mistake, he did not lie and he realized it was wrong.  Those three things show me that he is starting to think about his actions and is growing and maturing, too.  Maybe there is some hope for that kid after all ;) LoL  He can actually be two totally different kids at times.  Sometimes there is the mean spiteful Aiden that hurts and acts ugly and then there is the innocent, sweet Aiden that is just curious about the world around him.  Take for instance, the incident this morning.  This afternoon Aiden looked at me and said "sisters and I had fun playing with the baby powder, Mommy." in a very meek sincere tone.  When I asked him about it, they all had a good time and Aiden realized he was in serious trouble when he looked around at the mess they had made.  Isabella took the brunt of the baby powder and looked like a china doll  with dusty white hair and powder white skin.  I would love to be a fly on the wall sometimes, to see if he targets her or if she provokes him with her enthusiasm. 

I am super excited to see that my blog is almost up to 5000 views since I started it!!! I hope everyone has enjoyed the pictures and stories and I hope ou keep coming back for more... I am tired and have a full day tomorrow working on helping to design a chicken coop and a few other errands, so I will be back again later, but for now, Have a great day!!!

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